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Gardening Myths Debunked

Gardening is a lovely and gratifying hobby. Whether you’re tending to your outdoor garden or your indoor windowsill garden, getting your hands dirty in soil and watching the growth you’ve cultivated is quite pleasing. Though, all plants are different and require different methods of care. While there are some common generalizations for all gardening care, not all are true. Let’s debunk some gardening myths, so your garden can be as healthy as possible. 

And when planting, don’t forget your plant’s favorite companion, its planter. Planter Resource, established in 1994, is the resource for planters on the East Coast. For all your terrace, rooftop, hotel, restaurant, residential property, and, of course, garden needs, Planter Resource has the perfect planter for your space. Check out our shop or give us a call to find the perfect planter to make your plant happy! 

1. Myth: Planting in good soil means there is no need to fertilize.

Fact: While it’s true that planting in good soil is essential, all plants need certain nutrients to grow. Over time, the soil will lose some of these nutrients, which is why fertilization is necessary. However, too much fertilization can cause the “burning” of the plants. You should test your soil first to determine its nutrient levels, then select a fertilizer that complements what the plants need.

2. Myth: Fertilizer is always necessary for healthy plants.

Fact: While fertilizing can be beneficial, it’s not always necessary for healthy plants. Plants can get nutrients from the soil, sunlight, and water. In some cases, too much fertilizer can actually harm plants and lead to stunted growth or even death. Remember, before adding fertilizer, soil test. This can help you decide what type of fertilizer to use and how much to apply.

3. Myth: Watering plants during the hottest part of the day is the best time to water.

Fact: This is one of the most common myths in gardening, and it’s wholly inaccurate. Watering plants during the hottest part of the day causes the water to evaporate quickly. As it evaporates, it can take some of the plant’s moisture with it, which means the plant won’t receive the nourishment it needs. 

Instead, water plants in the early morning or late evening when the temperatures are cooler, and the water can penetrate the soil and plants. 

Planter Resource provides some pretty cool planters that are the perfect material for keeping in moisture. Terracotta planters, for instance, are wonderful planters for this purpose. Read about the benefits of terracotta here

4. Myth: Adding stones or gravel at the bottom of pots helps drainage.

Fact: When you add stones or gravel at the bottom of your pots, it can actually cause issues with drainage. Water will accumulate in the soil above the stones and may cause root rot or fungal disease. In fact, planting the plant too deep can also cause this issue. There needs to be a balance in the soil to help roots receive the necessary nutrients.

Instead, fill the entire planter with soil and use a material such as perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage. And choose a planter that is advantageous to drainage. Perhaps, a cedar planter

5. Myth: All the leaves on a plant should be removed to promote growth.

Fact: This myth is also prevalent among gardeners who think removing all the leaves from a plant will stimulate growth. However, leaves are essential to the plant’s growth as they contain chlorophyll, which converts light to energy for the plant. If you remove the leaves, you remove the plant’s ability to grow and receive light. It’s recommended that you only prune a plant’s leaves when they are dead, diseased, or damaged.

On the other hand, cutting leaves in a bouquet of flowers benefits the arrangement and keeps the flowers healthier for longer. 

6. Myth: The more you water your plants, the better.

Fact: Overwatering can be just as harmful as underwatering. It can lead to root rot, which can harm and even kill plants. Each plant has different watering requirements, so it’s important to research and understand them before watering. As a general rule, most plants prefer soil that is moist but not waterlogged. Consider factors such as drainage and climate when watering. Of course, this is not universal. Some plants excel in dry soil—cacti, for instance. 

7. Myth: Bigger Pots Mean Bigger Plants

Fact: Many gardeners believe that the larger the pot, the bigger the plant will grow. However, this is not entirely true. While a bigger pot can give your plants more room to grow, choosing the right pot size for the plant is essential. Plants that are in a pot that is too big will use too much energy growing roots instead of focusing on producing flowers or fruits. Choose a pot that is the right size for the plant, and you’ll see healthier and more productive plants.

If you have any questions about the best size for your planter, Planter Resource has the answer. We have varying size ranges for all of our products. Chances are, you are bound to find the best fit with one of our planters

8. Myth: All Bugs Are Bad

Fact: Another common myth is that all bugs are harmful to your garden. While some pests can damage your plants, others are beneficial and help keep harmful insects in check. For instance, ladybugs and praying mantises can eat aphids, spider mites, and other harmful bugs that can damage your plants. Instead of reaching for pesticides, try to identify the bugs in your garden and learn which ones are beneficial and which ones are harmful.

9. Myth: Plants Need Full Sun All Day

Fact: While many plants require full sun to grow and thrive, not all plants can handle the intense heat and light all day. In fact, too much sun can lead to sunscald, drying out the leaves and causing them to drop prematurely. Research the specific light requirements for your plants and position them in a spot that gets the right amount of sun for their needs. Most likely, your plants came with basic guidelines for the right amount of sun and water. Whether you have an indoor or outdoor garden, be sure to position your plants with the amount of sunlight they prefer for optimal health.

10. Myth: Talking to Your Plant Helps

This is a personal preference. See for yourself whether or not talking to your plants benefits their health. After all, it won’t hurt one way or another. Let us know your success with this gardening myth!

Your Go-To Planter Resource 

Gardening myths are plentiful, and it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. So you may just need to test out certain methods and track which ones have the most success. After all, each plant you care for has its own distinct relationship with you. Some plants that are a little trickier to care for may, in fact, need fertilizer or less light. Do your research, and Planter Resource is here for you when it’s time for a planter size change or material swap. With our vast range of planters, we can help you create a beautiful and thriving garden!

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